Welcome to Farsley Chess Club
Last updated - Saturday 07th September 2024
The next chess club night is Wednesday 11th September 2024, meeting at The Deeva Restaurant from 7pm onwards.
Latest News
*Farsley Chess Club Championship 2024 - Chess.com - registration now open.
*Head over to the Farsley Chess Club page on chess dot com as more team matches are open for registration. These include team matches against Greenland, Glasgow, Wiltshire and Glamorgan.
*Farsley Chess Club have just beaten Bradford Chess Club in the World Cities League, 10.5-9.5.
*We now meet downstairs at the Deeva Restaurant..
About Us
We are a new chess club based in the heart of Farsley, West Leeds. We welcome all chess fanatics from beginner to master and hope to compete in the Leeds League, in the near future. We are a new club so are still looking for new members
We now meet on Wednesday evenings at the Deeva Restaurant in Farsley. As you walk through the entrance there's a bar directly in front where you can order a drink and we meet on the ground floor of the restaurant to play chess. We did previously meet upstairs but this is now a street food kitchen.
Deeva Restaurant in Farsley.
58 Town Street
Farsley, Leeds LS28 5LD
We welcome everyone from absolute beginner, right through to experienced tournament player. We're a friendly bunch and the stronger players are always happy to give a few pointers during games.
Play Online
If you enjoy playing chess online then feel free to join Farsley Chess Club on chess dot com. You can find our club by clicking on the green chess pawn icon at the bottom of this page. We play regular matches online, which are daily 3-days per move games. If you would like more information then please feel free to email us using the contact details below.
Contact Details
If you have any questions or are interested in joining us then please feel free to get in touch!